Saturday, August 7, 2010

"K-9 Dog" 8.5" x 10.75" Mix Media

I heard you barking from a distance... I heard that you don't like girls...Hummmm I am a dog lover. If I get close to you can you sense me through your sixth sense?

Friday, August 6, 2010

"Make Up Your Mind" 25.75" x 14.25" Acrylic

God don't care what you look like outside, but your inside. If you don't make up your mind, people can make you sin; Steal away your confidence and joy.

"Doubnle Tongue" 12.5"x12"Arcylic

Man after Gods heart is a sexey man! Saved man is a sexey man! A REAL MAN! Spiritul of God, sensable of man, wisdom (Gods wisdom) make a right decision SAID WHAT YOU MEAN, MEAN WHAT YOU SAID! DON'T BE A DOUBLE TONGUE. BE A MAN OF GOD!

"Your Mouth, Your Ears" 15.75"x11.25" Acrylic

Your mouth and ears as a gate that gards your spirit... keep them sealed when it comes top rumors and petty conversation; rufuse to enter into battle (Fight) just lock them right where there are is the most powerful weapon against evil.

"Praise the LORD" 14"x9" Acrylivc

God created me too... let everything that breaths praise the LORD!

Going to Rain

Going to Rain
18" x 24"