Once you have strong spiritual beliefs that gives you a unique perspective, you don't see this world of chaos, instead you see this world exceptionally beautiful, I mean indescribably beautiful. For some, spirituality was a consolation in time of need, for some it was celebration of good times. In oneway or another it all spoke the experience and importance of connectedness. For me I found this sense of connectedness in God, in nature, in all shapes and form. www.cldawnyangfineartstudio.com
In the year of 2010 I traded to Israel and saw a girl with a camel and I realized that the girl was holding a rock. The way she led the camel was by throwing the rock in the direction she wanted the camel to go. In our daily lives God is always watching over us. God leads us in the same way the girl was leading the camel. Whenever we are going in the wrong direction, he throws a rock (sign) that tells us where to go. C. L. Dawn Yang www.cldawnyangfineartstudio.com
In the year of 2010 I traded to Israel and saw a girl with a camel and I realized that the girl was holding a rock. The way she led the camel was by throwing the rock in the direction she wanted the camel to go. In our daily lives God is always watching over us. God leads us in the same way the girl was leading the camel. Whenever we are going in the wrong direction, he throws a rock (sign) that tells us where to go. C. L. Dawn Yang www.cldawnyangfineartstudio.com
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